Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Make the last one count

I'm just eating it up right now! Since Cael's our last one I can't seem to get enough of him. I love how when I walk in the room he spits out of excitement because he sees me. I love how when I walk out of the room he cries because I've left him for just one second. Because seriously, I just left him to throw a diaper six feet away! I can never replay this time as much as I wish I could. His soft little face that tears into mine when he's hungry. His fat, obese legs that I love to squish in my hands. His cry that I only I can fix. The sweet nature of just hearing him play, his squeals of delight at random moments. The expression in his eyes when he sees me, he REALLY KNOWS I'm mom.

My ode to being a mother.

It's amazing to just be in his world, it makes all the stesses that I have on a daily basis just evaporate. How blessed I have been to have the children I have. I really wouldn't have it any other way. That through this last one I can remember how it was with the others since they've grown up so fast.


deesha said...

That was so sweet!!! Thanks for the perspective. He's a doll. And I totally agree on remembering your other kids' baby-ness through the current one.

Katherine said...

So sweet! Thanks for reminding me how much I should be enjoying my last one. They do grow so fast.

Bilary said...

Okay, those pictures are SO AWESOME! I love them! And I love how much you are appreciating him. They are so sweet, and they grow up way too fast. He is adorable!