Monday, May 17, 2010

Mother's Day!

For Mother's Day we had dinner with Jared's family at his sister Tara's. The kids love it when we get together since we don't do it that often. They ate a few bites of dinner and spent the rest getting in as much play time as possible!

All of us

Jared and I goofing off!

Where's Jared? Look closely...

The guys

I know, I'm awesome!

Me and my SIL's

Amara and her cousin Ammon

Tayah and Alia

Amara and Brooklyn, those two are inseparable!


Walter Family said...

Cute pictures! Alesha, you look great! And I think it's AMAZING you can still hang upside down like that! I'd probably hurt myself in too many place if I tried that! :) It looks like you had such a fun Mother's Day! Miss you guys! Now that it's getting warmer we should plan a BBQ or something soon!!!

Carrie said...

Love the pic of Jared with the kids. It makes me laugh every time I look at it! And Tayah with her helmet :)