This is the reason for not being able to blog for a while. Corbin was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes on November 17th. It was something that I never thought one of my kids would ever have to go through. Emotions were close to the surface and I think it took three weeks for me to stop crying about it. This is his story so hopefully it could help someone else out there that wouldn't otherwise have a clue to the symptoms of Diabetes. Corbin for a few months now had been eating quite a bit. If I made tacos he would have 6-8 out eating Jared. I shook it off as a growth spurt and that was it. But then one week he came home from school saying he had to use the restroom at the school which he NEVER does. He hates public restrooms. So I let it go thinking nothing of it. Then that week when he was getting ready for school he kept running back to the bathroom right after he'd already gone. He just said he had to go again. But it was constant. Then he started waking up in the middle of the night saying he'd wet the bed! He's never done that ever! I thought I can't take it anymore. I was sure he had a UTI, so I made an apt. with the doctor. I took him in and just told the doctor that I needed him to do a urine test to check for an infection. Of course Mom's know all right? So after the test came back the doctor looked worried and said I need to do another test. He came in with a kit of some sort and pricked his finger to check his blood sugar. And there it was, his count was at 340. The doctor then did another blood draw and told me that Corbin had diabetes! He asked me if Corbin had been sick and I said no. I was in complete shock. He said I needed to go straight up to Primary Children's Medical Center. So I called Jared totally upset and headed up there with Corbin. A thank you to all of my friends that dropped what they were doing that day to take care of my girls for the time we were at the hospital. While at the hospital we all had to be educated in the disease and were completely overwhelmed with the information. I never read a food label in my life until now. I can't believe how much it changes things. Some days are good others are not. Corbin has been really tough about the whole thing I'm so proud of him.
Happy New Year and Welcome Back!
1 week ago
I'm so so sorry you guys have been having to go through all that. I'm so glad Corbin has been taking things well though. I hope things are starting to get easier for you.
I can't decide if I love those pictures of him in the hospital or if they break my heart. He looks so content and happy. I'm glad he looks that way, but it is so hard to see such a sweet, happy kid going through that. He has awesome parents, though, and you are doing a fantastic job with this. You constantly amaze me. I am very lucky to count you among my friends. And your kids are very lucky to have you as their mom!
Corbin is a trooper. What a little man through all of this. It's so hard to see one of your children have to go through something like this, when you want to go through it for them. But you guys are great parents, and the Lord knew you and Corbin would be able to handle this trial!
We love ya!
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